Hey friends,

I really appreciate that you’ve followed me along this far, so I’m really sorry to say that I have to tap out for a bit. Life is getting a bit much these days and I’ve had to get really brutal with cutting out hobbies. While I’ve really loved my time as a voice actor, for now I need to put it on hold.

I’ll try to stop by now and again, maybe record a poem here and there, but with a few exceptions this blog will remain dormant (at least until the kids are in school, maybe? Or somehow I find a way to record while they’re quiet? 😛 ).

I love you all and your support has meant the world to me. ❤

Take care,


Skyrim Book Catchup

I got behind a bit last week, so here’s a recipe, a story, and a short poem! I hope you enjoy!

“Charus Pie: A Recipe”: a quick recipe for cooking giant cave bugs.

“Breathing Water”: A story about an ambitious smuggler learning an alteration spell.

“Ode To The Tundrastriders”: a poem about giants!

Librivox Weekly Poems: “The Bee” and “The Woodland Halló”

Whoops, I didn’t post last week. Sorry! But I did get the weekly poem done, so here are this week’s and last week’s poems!

First, a poem I imagine Emily wrote on a bright spring day, just watching nature hum around her:

“The Bee” by Emily Dickinson

And second, a picturesque view of a lady and her woodsmen father and hubby!

“The Woodland Halló” by Robert Bloomfield